user agreement

U.S. Gold Bureau Website User Agreement

User Agreement:

By using the website and other services provided by USGB, LLC (“USGB”) (d/b/a United States Gold Bureau or U.S. Gold Bureau), including making purchases from USGB, making sales to USGB and placing orders with USGB, you agree to the following terms, including, without limitation, the terms of this User Agreement, our Privacy Policy, Disclaimer, Terms and Conditions of Sale, and Market Loss Policy, which are available at the bottom of our homepage. These terms of these policies and agreements apply to your use of our website, all orders, all purchases and all sales, whether made through the website, by telephone or otherwise.

Before you may place orders to purchase and/or to sell with USGB you must read and accept all of the terms in the User Agreement and our Terms and Conditions of Sale policy. USGB strongly encourages you, as you read this User Agreement, to access and to read carefully Terms and Conditions of Sale, available on our website, which in combination with this User Agreement, Privacy Policy, Disclaimer, and Market Loss Policy shall govern all transactions with USGB.

This User Agreement is effective on January 1, 2012, for all existing customers and all existing users of the website and will be effective, upon acceptance for all customers and all new users of the website or otherwise.


Purchases, Sales and Orders:

You may make purchases, sell to and order from USGB only in accordance with our Terms and Conditions of Sale.



You are subject to the Disclaimers that have been made by USGB, which USGB encourages you to access and to read carefully, and to the other Disclaimers that are contained in this User Agreement, the Terms and Conditions of Sale, and the other policies adopted by USGB.

In addition, you represent and warrant to USGB that you have sufficient experience and knowledge to make informed decisions to purchase from and/or sell to USGB. You expressly acknowledge that you are making all of your own decisions in connection with purchases and/or sales and that USGB is not making any recommendation with respect to such purchases and/or such sales. You also expressly acknowledge that you are subject to a variety of risks, which risks are beyond the control of USGB, and you expressly acknowledge that USGB is not liable or responsible for those risks, for which you have sole responsibility. Those risks include, without limitation, risks associated with the price volatility of the products, particularly precious metals. Under certain market or other conditions you may not be able to liquidate the purchased products or liquidate the purchased products at prices acceptable to you.


Investment Risks:

All investments involve risk – coins and bullion metals are no exception. The value of a bullion coin or bar, or Investment Grade or numismatic coin, is affected by many economic factors, including the current market price of bullion, the perceived scarcity of the coins, and many other factors. Some of these factors include the quality, current demand, and general market sentiment for the product. Bullion metals and Investment Grade and numismatic coins can go down as well as up in value, as such, investing in them may not be suitable for everyone. Since all investments, including bullion metals and Investment Grade and numismatic coins, can decline in value, you should understand them well, and have adequate cash reserves and disposable income before considering bullion metals and Investment Grade or numismatic coin investment.

USGB, LLC is a private distributor of precious metals products and is not affiliated with the U.S. Government. USGB employees are not licensed as investment advisors and are not authorized to recommend the purchase or sale of any investment securities. We only provide information regarding the products that we offer for sale. Check with a licensed professional with expertise in a particular market before making a decision to buy or sell any security, bond, annuity or financial instrument. The value of an Investment Grade coin or numismatic coin is determined by multiple factors which can and do fluctuate independently from bullion prices. These factors include: the perceived scarcity of the coin. its quality, current demand, market sentiment, and economic factors. Bullion metals, Investment Grade or numismatic coins and rare currency can go down as well as up in value. The coin market is subject to substantial fluctuations, including significant and rapid increases and decreases in value from time to time. As such, precoius metal products may not be suitable for everyone. Investors must be able to assume the risk of such price fluctuations. USGB does not guarantee that any client buying for investment purposes will be able to sell for a profit in the future. The value of raw metals is largely determined by the current spot or market price of bullion metals. In many cases, this price fluctuates constantly throughout the trading day.



You shall indemnify and hold harmless USGB and its affiliates, directors, officers, executives, employees, and shareholders from and against any and all costs, damages, expenses, liabilities and obligations, including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys’ fees, that you may incur as a result of, or in connection with, (a) any breach of any representation or warranty made by you to USGB, or (b) your failure to comply with this User Agreement, the Order Terms and Conditions, or the other policies adopted by USGB.


Limitation of Liability:

You are subject to the limitations of liability contained in this User Agreement, the Disclaimer, our Order Terms and Conditions, and the other policies adopted by USGB.

In the event that, notwithstanding such limitations of liability, USGB is determined to be liable to you in connection with any transaction between USGB and you pursuant to this User Agreement, the liability of USGB to you shall be limited to the greater of (a) the amount, if any, that you paid in such transaction or (b) $100. USGB shall not, in any event, be liable for any consequential, exemplary or indirect damages.



USGB has adopted a Privacy Policy, which you are encouraged to access and to read carefully.


Binding Contract:

Once you have placed a Sales Order to buy from USGB or a Purchase Order to sell to USGB, you have entered into a binding contract.


Additional Items:

Additional terms relating to certain Products (such as prices, methods of payment, our policies with respect to returns, refunds, and cancellations and/or exchanges) may be posted on the site on the pages describing the Products.



You shall hold the existence and terms of all your transactions with USGB, including, without limitation, the existence of any disagreement or dispute and the existence and the terms of any resolution thereof, in strictest confidence and you shall not disclose any such information to any person or entity unless (a) such disclosure is required by applicable law or regulation or (b) such disclosure is required by a court or other tribunal of competent jurisdiction. If you become aware that you may be required to make any disclosure of such information, including, without limitation, as a result of the receipt of a subpoena or other compulsory process, you shall promptly notify, in writing, USGB and you shall cooperate, in good faith, with USGB in obtaining a protective order or other appropriate relief, if any, with respect to such disclosure.


Other Policies:

USGB has adopted a Disclaimer, Terms and Conditions of Sale, Market Loss Policy, and a Privacy Policy and may, from time to time, adopt other policies in connection with the website and your use of the website, as well as purchases from, and sales to, USGB.  All of these policies may be amended or terminated at any time and from time to time by USGB, and such amendments and terminations will take effect when posted on the website.

By purchasing from, making sales to, or ordering from USGB, whether by telephone, through our website or otherwise, you are subject to such policies, with which you hereby agree to comply.


Export Compliance:

Every product that USGB sells is subject to all U.S. export laws. No products may be exported or re-exported into, or to a national or resident of Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Syria or any country to which the U.S has embargoed goods. Additionally, no products may be exported or re-exported to any individual or company on the U.S. Treasury Department’s Specially Designated Nationals List (SDN) or the U.S. Commerce Department’s Denied Persons List.



Either USGB or you may terminate this User Agreement, with or without cause, at any time by delivering written notice to the other party. The termination of this User Agreement shall not affect the rights and the obligations of USGB and you with respect to the period prior to the termination.


Default; Rights and Remedies:

Upon any failure by you to comply with your obligations to USGB, USGB shall have all of the rights and the remedies available to USGB, whether at law, in equity or otherwise, including, without limitation, rights and remedies under this User Agreement or our other policies. Without limiting its rights and its remedies, USGB may turn your account over to a collection agency or a lawyer for collection. No delay or failure on the part of USGB in exercising any right or any remedy shall operate as a waiver of that right or remedy and no single or partial exercise by USGB of any right or any remedy shall preclude other or further exercise of that right or that remedy, or the exercise of any other right or any other remedy. In addition to the all other rights and remedies available to USGB, in the event of any failure by you to comply with this User Agreement, you expressly authorize USGB to charge your credit card or, when intending to pay by electronic check (ACH), debit or draft funds from your bank account on which you previously provided USGB including, without limitation, any and all market losses incurred by USGB including cancellation fees for accepting your orders to either buy from or sell to us as a result of price and market fluctuations for which you did not fulfill. You expressly authorize USGB to charge your credit card, debit or draft from your bank account any and all such amounts.


Our “Market Loss Policy” (Ask to Ask policy):

When purchasing bullion metals from the U.S. Gold Bureau, once we have issued a confirmation number, the price is either locked-in for your order or inventory has been allocated to your order. The transaction may not be cancelled, but only offset at our current ask price. U.S. Gold Bureau’s Market Loss Policy applies to all products offered on our website; however, it is generally more applicable to bullion metals and related products as they are more volatile than Investment Grade or numismatic coin products. If the U.S. Gold Bureau has not experienced a loss between the time you confirmed your order and the time of cancellation, you may cancel your order without any fees. Any deficit between the price at which we sold to you and the offsetting purchase price and/or prices, is your responsibility only if your item(s) is cancelled or returned. That amount will be charged to you, plus a $50.00 cancellation fee. This is our Market Loss Policy. Any market gain on cancellations or returns shall remain the property of the United States Gold Bureau.

When selling to the U.S. Gold Bureau, once we have issued a confirmation number, the price is either locked-in for you or your confirmed sale to the U.S. Gold Bureau has been placed in the open market. Your transaction may not be cancelled, but only offset at our current buy price. Any deficit between the price at which we bought from you and the offsetting purchase price and/or prices, is your responsibility if we do not receive your items. The difference will be charged to you, plus a $50.00 (USD) cancellation fee. This is our Market Loss Policy. Any market gain on cancellations shall remain the property of the United States Gold Bureau.

The U.S. Gold Bureau reserves the right to refuse an order when the confirmed price is incorrect due to computer-related problems, pricing error, incorrect item descriptions or sudden movements in the precious metal markets. Furthermore, the U.S. Gold Bureau reserves the right to refuse or cancel any order deemed questionable, of significant risk to the U.S. Gold Bureau, or in potential violation of U.S. Anti-Money Laundering Laws, regardless of the price confirmation.

Your U.S. Gold Bureau order may be automatically canceled if we do not receive payment within three (3) business days. Once you have placed an order with the U.S. Gold Bureau, whether through our website or over the telephone, you have entered into a binding financial agreement.

If you have additional questions about this policy, please feel free to contact us online or call (800) 775-3504.


Absence of Relationship:

The sole relationship between USGB and you is a purchaser-seller relationship. No other relationship, including, without limitation, any agent-principal relationship, any employee-employer relationship, any franchisee-franchisor relationship, any joint venture relationship or any partnership relationship shall exist between USGB and you.



You may not assign this User Agreement or any of your rights or your obligations under this User Agreement without the prior written consent of USGB, which may be granted or withheld by USGB at its sole discretion. This User Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of all permitted assigns and successors of USGB and you.


Costs and Expenses of Collection:

In the event that USGB must take any action against you to enforce our obligations under this User Agreement, our Order Terms and Conditions, or our Market Loss Policy, including, without limitation, turning your account over to a collection agency or a lawyer for collection, you shall pay all of the costs and the expenses incurred by USGB, including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys fees, in connection with such action.


Dispute Resolution:

It is the common goal of USGB and you that any disagreement or dispute between USGB and you be resolved expeditiously. USGB and you agree that all disagreements and disputes between USGB and you be resolved in accordance with the following paragraphs:


Forum Selection:

The federal and state courts located in Travis County, Texas, shall have exclusive jurisdiction of all disagreements and all disputes. All disagreements and all disputes shall be resolved exclusively in such federal and state courts.  You hereby consent to the jurisdiction of the courts of Travis County, Texas, for the purpose of resolving such disagreements and such disputes and waive all objections to the jurisdiction of such federal and state courts.


Governing Law:

This User Agreement shall be governed by, and interpreted in accordance with, the laws of the State of Texas, United States of America, without regard to conflict of laws principles.


Waiver of Jury Trial; Arbitration:



Force Majeure:

If USGB cannot perform any obligation hereunder as a result of any event that is beyond its control, USGB’s delay or failure to perform such obligation shall be expressly excused by you and USGB shall not be liable for any damages as a result of, or in connection with, such delay or failure.


Further Assurances:

You explicitly agree that you will execute and deliver such other documents and take such other actions as may be reasonably requested by USGB to carry out this User Agreement, the Terms and Conditions of Sale, or Market Loss Policy.



Except as otherwise provided in this User Agreement, all notices and other communications to USGB shall be directed to the registered agent of USGB, LLC, in the State of Texas and all notices and other communications to you shall be directed, at the option of USGB, to the address that you provided to USGB at the time of your registration, or to the email address that you provided to USGB at the time of your registration.


Recording of Phone Conversations:

USGB may record phone conversations between USGB and you. You expressly consent to the recording and archiving of all phone conversations between USGB and you.


Absence of Waivers:

A decision or a failure by USGB to take action with respect to any non-compliance with this User Agreement does not affect the ability of USGB with respect to any other non-compliance with this User Agreement, whether of a similar or dissimilar nature.


Section Headings:

The section headings are included for ease of reference and do not affect the interpretation or the scope of this User Agreement.



This User Agreement is intended to be enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law. If any term of this User Agreement is held to be unenforceable for any reason, such unenforceability shall not affect the other terms of this User Agreement and the term that would otherwise be unenforceable shall be enforced to the fullest extent that it would be enforceable.



USGB may amend this User Agreement or any other policies at any time by posting the amended terms on the website.  Except as otherwise provided in the User Agreement, the amended terms will become automatically effective 30 days after their initial posting on the website. This User Agreement may not be otherwise amended except by written agreement between USGB and you.


Entire Agreement:

This User Agreement sets forth the entire understanding between USGB and you with respect to the subject matter of this User Agreement. If you have any questions with respect to this User Agreement or your rights and your obligations under this User Agreement, please contact USGB, LLC, at (800) 775-3504.